Thursday, November 12, 2009

Opening for Visioning

This past weekend, the City Council met to do some goal setting. With the help of an MTAS representative, they conducted a mini-visioning process, and they seemed to hit upon some important goals that will make all of our lives better.

First, they talked a lot about communications. Communications among themselves, but, more importantly, communications between the city and us citizens. This need to keep the citizens informed about what the city thinks and what they plan on doing, combined with giving our representatives an accurate and complete view of what the the citizens think as they make plans for our future is the answer for much of the issues within Oak Ridge.

Second, they concluded that a citizens' visioning committee should be formed. This is exactly what we are looking for. This proposed committee will be our mechanism to introduce visioning into the city's ongoing planning process.

Communications is great, but communicating the community vision to the city provides all the other benefits that I have discussed as well. It provides an accurate sense of the will of the people to the city officials. It empowers those officials to make plans and decisions consistent with that vision. And perhaps most important, it gives the citizens a voice that is heard and an opportunity to work with other citizens to reach the consensus that forms the community vision statement and implementation plan.

Finally, the chance to put visioning processes into the ongoing city planning process will keep those benefits fresh and continuing. Let's let our City Council members know that we support community visioning in Oak Ridge and that we appreciate their insight by including it in their goal setting session. You can email all of the members of the City Council here and the City Manager, Jim O'Connor, here.


Not Stated said...

Communications might be the city's biggest weakness. I am glad it is a top priority. Also, glad to see the visioning effort receiving priority.

Hope they can carry these forward.

Mike M

Ellen Smith said...

It's good to hear that residents share Council members' view that communications and a community vision are high priorities. I've long contended that we Oak Ridgers have more in common than we have differences -- I think this discussion by Council and your reactions to it support that contention.

Just so everyone knows, Council didn't get all the way through the goal-setting process -- and we haven't formally adopted anything yet. In our process we identified 9 high-priority areas for which we want to develop goals. Each individual Council member did write-ups of our ideas/plans for addressing 3 of those areas (overall goals, step-by-step plans for achieving them, responsibilities for action, and measures of success). The next step was for the whole group to discuss each goal area and formulate a consensus version of each plan, but we only made it through the first areas. We've given our notes to Margaret Norris of MTAS to get them typed up, but we still need to have another session to finish the process of goal-setting.

Ellen Smith